Thursday, October 10, 2019

Why You Should Focus on Quality, Not Quantity

I’m a firm believer in quality over quantity, but this wasn’t always so.
I spent my 20’s and early 30s buying an absurd amount of clothing items — if it remotely fit and was remotely cute, I bought it. Whether it was actually cute enough to justify the spend, or fit comfy enough to keep, I added it to my wardrobe without hesitation.
To be completely honest, I think most plus size women, or anyone with a body type that doesn’t fit into the standard size clothing readily available in the world, are simple making up for lost time with “autopilot shopping.”
The years we spent existing in a world that didn’t cater to bodies like ours, then slowly started to give us just a small taste of fashion, caused a type of frenzy! Now we’re adding to cart faster before we stop to ask ourselves if the dress will last past the season we’re in, and it makes me frustrated and sad – we’re simply consumed with consumption. We want it all, and most of us don’t consider that it might not get worn. I’m guilty of having clothes in my closet with the tags attached that prove it!
At 38, I’m disgusted that I have so much “stuff,” and I’m doing my best to purge my closet of things I haven’t ever worn, only wore for a dinner date, or bought online at 4 am on autopilot.
I’ve come to the conclusion that as a girl with curves, I’ve been selling myself short, buying into the latest trend simply because it fits, without actually pausing to ask myself if the trend appeals to my personal style, or if it’s even that amazing in the first place.
My point is this: I’m done buying cheaply made, ill-fitting clothing just because it remotely fits, or it’s on sale. Not to say that I don’t enjoy a budget-friendly splurge on occasion, because there are some great inexpensive pieces which I own and know I’ll wear again and again. But what I will do is stop prioritizing sales and buying things just because it comes in my size. I’ve come up with a series of questions to help stop the madness: Is this something I’ll love again and again? Will I look for it a couple times a week, or push it to the back of the closet and forget about it? Will the silhouette and color withstand seasonal trends? Will my daughter beg me for it when she’s old enough to appreciate a good vintage find? 
In truth, as I am approaching shopping this way, I also approach design for Girl With Curves Collection this way, with the same philosophy.
I want to be intentional and thoughtful with every purchase. I want to curate my wardrobe like an art collection. I want pieces in my closet that I can wear over and over for both everyday and special occasions. I want colors and silhouettes that look amazing on my body no matter what shape it’s in, and I want to love each and every piece, without having to spend a fortune. I want quality fabrics and impeccable fit, without compromise.
So the next time you stop to question why a pair of jeans is over $150, or why a dress made of seemingly “inexpensive fabric” isn’t under $100, remember that quality over quantity should be a priority. And while nice, quality things with special details and amazing fit come with a certain price, they’re completely worth it when it gives you the confidence to rock that job interview, get out of your comfort zone in a social setting, or simply feel amazing every time you put it on.
x Tanesha 

from Girl With Curves

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