Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Friday, March 27, 2020

Go for body contouring pinstripes for making the best this season

We all feel that this season, menswear has undergone a factory reset and we can’t refuse to admit that. So now men’s wardrobe has more room for experiments, they can be a rule breaker which once was considered inviolable. Prep up for the summers with body contouring pinstripes and make the best of the season. […]

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from Hautelist https://ift.tt/3buZMdi

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


The Corona Virus outbreak has got us all to pause and distance ourselves socially and to curb the situation responsibly by staying indoors, at home. So how do we make the best of this while we’re not working (work from home)? Netflix and binge? Nah! Hours spent scrolling on social media? Nope.  Let’s take this […]


from Hautelist https://ift.tt/2QIGEk5

Real Talk: Coronavirus Anxiety is very Real

#RealTalk: Coronavirus Anxiety is very Real via Girl With Curves

While my family and I are adjusting to the new normal, as I’m sure all of you are, I’m finding it hard to stay focused and motivated, while dealing with anxiety, stress and uncertainty as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

Tuning into the news as the world changes hour by hour amidst illness, death and fear has been mentally paralyzing. Not to mention learning to cope with my own new normal: homeschooling a 6 year old and caring for a 2 year old while juggling meals, household duties and a heavy workload. All of these recent changes have me extremely on edge, to say the least.

Staying indoors the majority of the day is really hard, but I’m still trying to find moments of happiness and joy; like the fact that no one I personally know and love has the virus, and the fact that my husband and I have the privilege of working from home in order to keep our family safe. When I need some fresh air, I can venture outside, even if only for a few minutes. And when I need a mental escape, my kids are always there to make me laugh or cry.

I’m going to do my best to pick myself up from the anxiety that’s paralyzed my emotions, and make a real effort to find my own version of  normal–one that finds joy in the little things, amidst the sadness my heart feels for everyone effected by the coronavirus. I hope you all can find a way to do the same.

Sending you positive vibes and virtual hugs,


from Girl With Curves https://ift.tt/2J8SPm8

Monday, March 23, 2020



We have never been so acquainted with Netflix as we have been for the past few days. Not sure where you are in the world right now but the Dutch government has asked people to play stay at home unless it’s absolutely necessary to leave, which means we need ways to entertain ourselves while we follow the rules. While there are definitely bigger problems in the world right now than what series to watch, I wanted to keep things light and decided to share with you my favourite series to watch during the Covid-19 social distancing. I have watched everything under the sun and while I have a lot of favourites, I wanted to narrow it down to 16 series I would (and probably have) watch more than once.

There is quite an overwhelming selection of series out there these days and I have quite high standards when it comes to my binge watching. This is why I made a huge list of everything I have watched & loved and narrowed down to the series above.

I am a HUGE fan of thrillers, mysteries, dramas, etc -as you can see-, so most of my suggestions are leaning towards those genres. However, I also added a couple of light and happy series because who doesn’t feel better the moment Friends goes on TV? And Grace & Frankie cracks me up every time.

If you have any series suggestions, please do share them on the comments below!

Stay safe and sending you lots of love.

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from Stylescrapbook https://ift.tt/2QB1u4U

Saturday, March 21, 2020


The world is upside down at the moment and while we are trying to make sense of everything that’s happening, we could also try to remain calm and try so use this time in “isolation” to do stuff that enrich us in some way. On top of work (for those who are still fortunate enough to have a job through these tough times), we can also spend some time exercising, practicing mindfulness/meditation, learning a language, cooking, drawing, reading and perhaps challenging ourselves to spend a little less time on social media and a little more time doing something that will make our lives better.

I’ve personally been trying to spend my time doing different things that will keep this constant anxiety at bay and cooking is one of them. With this in mind, I decided to share some of the recipes I have been trying while I am in self-quarantine. I hope you like them!

My first recipe is a Vietnamese noodle salad. I became absolutely hooked with this when I went to Vietnam 3 years ago and it’s super easy to make. This is my version of the recipe though but I can assure you, it is DELICIOUS! I am Vegetarian so I usually add on crispy tofu on top. I didn’t have any yesterday (the grocery stores are empty from all the panic shopping), so we just had it without the protein, but you can add shrimps or chicken if you want.

VIETNAMESE NOODLE SALAD. ( portion for 2 people )

-Rice noodles ( aprox. 400 grams )
-Two or three large shredded carrots
-Half of a large cucumber (cut in super thin slices)
-2 handfuls of soybean sprouts
-1 handful of chopped coriander leaves
-1 handful of chopped mint leaves
-1 handful of peanuts ( I usually buy the teriyaki flavoured peanuts )
-1 tablespoon of sesame seeds ( I use black sesame seeds )


-1/2 cup of rice vinegar
-1/2 cup of fish sauce
-3 tea spoons of brown sugar
-1 clove of minced garlic
-1/4 teaspoon of chilli flakes
-1/3 cup of chopped coriander

– Cook the rice noodles for about 4 minutes (check constantly to make sure they don’t over cook as they are usually ready very quickly).

– Once the noodles are ready, rinse them under cold water, drain well and separate them in two separate bowls (or more if you are making the salad for more people, just make sure to adjust the proportions as my ingredient list are only for two people)

Now on to the vinaigrette ( I make the vinaigrette first so I can leave the cucumbers soaking in it for about 10 minutes).

– Pour the rice vinegar, fish sauce, and sugar into a bowl (make sure you stir until the sugar melts into the liquid), after that add the minced garlic, chilli flakes, coriander and sesame seeds. Throw the cucumber slices into the vinaigrette for about 10/15 minutes so they pickle a bit.

-Once the cucumbers are ready and tasty, its time for plating!

-Over the rice noodles, add a handful of shredded carrots, a bunch of soybean sprouts, a bunch of cucumbers and a handful of coriander and mint leaves chopped together.

-Pour the vinaigrette to taste (I add about 6/7 spoons to each plate because I love the taste so much), to top it all off, add a bunch of crushed peanuts to taste and THAT’S IT!

*You can add any protein you like on top. We usually add crispy tofu but grilled shrimps would also be AMAZING.

Make sure you put some love into the vinaigrette because its what will give flavour to your salad and enjoy!

Let me know if you try this and hope and if you do, make sure you tag me so I can check it out!


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from Stylescrapbook https://ift.tt/3bhONnk

Friday, March 20, 2020

Trend Spotting-Go for Gravity Defying Structural Attires

As the weather’s turning swiftly, everyone is packing away their heavy winter attires and gearing up for spring summers. This SS/20, the chic and stand-out style is all about gravity-defying structural sleeves and attires. Source: Image 1 | Image 2 With a pleasing retro touch, these perfectly tailored sleeves evoke the inspirations from the runway […]

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from Hautelist https://ift.tt/2Wu38sX

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Las ultimas semanas han sido increíblemente dificiles para mi. Razones personales me llevaron a tomar la decision de poner mi vida en pausa y tomarme un tiempo de descanso de todo. Las ultimas tres semanas pasaron de ser una “cuarentena personal” a convertirse en una situación para la que ninguno de nosotros estábamos preparados; una pandemia global.

El mundo entero está en pausa, todos estamos confundidos y temerosos de las repercusiones que esto tendrá en nuestra salud, negocios, economía y el mundo en general.

Mi prometido es médico y siempre está buscando información legítima ya que los Fake News nos están inundando. A pesar de que estoy tratando de mantener la calma leyendo información real, es frustrante ver que todavía hay MUCHAS PERSONAS que no lo están tomando en serio y que todavía lo llaman “cualquier otra gripe”.

La tasa de mortalidad se estima actualmente entre 1-4% (en comparación con el 0.1% de la gripa de temporada) y el virus es extremadamente contagioso, es por eso que se está propagando muy rápido. Sabiendo esta información, hay que tener en cuenta que no existe un sistema de atención médica en el mundo que pueda atender a miles y miles de pacientes al mismo tiempo. Simplemente NO hay infraestructura para cuidar de todos los pacientes al mismo tiempo y aquí es donde se vuelve bastante complicado y potencialmente fatal.

Seguro has escuchado o leído el término “aplanar la curva” en las redes sociales en los últimos días. La “curva” se refiere al número proyectado de personas que contraerán COVID-19 durante un período de tiempo y así es como se ve:

“Cuanto más rápido aumenta la curva de infección, más rápido se sobrecarga el sistema de salud local más allá de su capacidad para tratar a las personas. Como vemos en Italia, cada vez mas pacientes se están quedando sin camas en cuidados intensivos por falta de espacio y los hospitales se están quedando sin los suministros básicos que necesitan para responder a esta crisis.

El escenario de una curva más plana, muestra que la misma cantidad de personas finalmente se infectan, pero durante un período de tiempo más largo. Una tasa de infección más lenta significa un sistema de atención médica menos estresado, menos visitas al hospital en un día determinado y menos personas enfermas siendo rechazadas en cuidados intensivos debido a la falta de espacio”. * Livesience.com

Debemos reducir la velocidad del contagio lo más pronto posible, ya que la tasa de infección de una población marca la diferencia en sí hay suficientes camas de hospital (y médicos, enfermeras y recursos) para tratar a los enfermos.

Como todavía no se ha desarrollado una vacuna o una cura para tratar el COVID-19, la manera MAS EFECTIVA de aplanar esta curva es con auto-aislamiento y distanciamiento social, lo que significa quedarse en CASA. Si simplemente no puedes porque tu trabajo no lo permite, asegúrate de tomar todas las medidas de higiene necesarias y trata de mantener el distanciamiento social lo mas que puedas para evitar que te contagies y transmitas el virus.

Me duele ver que todavía hay muchisimas personas que no toman en serio esta situación. Gente que sigue lleno al cine, festivales, bares, antros etc, a pesar de ver lo que esta sucediendo en Europa. Hay gente diciendo “Yo estoy joven y el virus no me afecta“. En primer lugar, yo sé de casos cercanos de gente joven en cuidados intensivos y aunque fuera cierto que a los jóvenes no los “afecta”, piensen en todos aquellos a quienes podrías infectar y que si podrían perder la vida. No hay que ser egoísta, esto es responsabilidad de TODOS.

Esta publicación no es para causar pánico, es para crear conciencia de que quedarse en casa nos da la mejor oportunidad de aplanar la curva y contener la velocidad de la propagación del virus.

No soy médico, no soy científico, no soy epidemiólogo pero tengo una plataforma que quiero utilizar para crear conciencia. Si puedo ayudar a cambiar la mente de 5 personas y esas 5 personas convencen a sus amigos, familiares y así sucesivamente, PODEMOS HACER LA DIFERENCIA.

Desde el “futuro” les digo que esto no es una broma, no es un juego y hay que tener tantita responsabilidad social para no contagiar a los más vulnerables. Si no lo hacen por ustedes, háganlo por sus padres y sus abuelos.


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from Stylescrapbook https://ift.tt/2U1vCc0


The past few weeks have been incredibly tough. Going through something personal basically threw me into self-quarantine before the whole COVID-19 hit the fan and now, we are going through a situation which nobody in our generation has ever had to live through before; A global pandemic.

The entire world is on pause, we are all confused and scared of the repercussions this will have on our health, businesses, economy and the world in general.

My fiancé is a doctor and he is always in the lookout for legitimate information due to the overflow of Fake News intoxicating the web at the moment, so even though I am trying to keep calm reading certain facts, it’s frustrating to see that there are still SO MANY PEOPLE who aren’t taking this seriously and who are still calling this “just like any other flu”.

The mortality rate is currently estimated to be between 1-4% (compared to 0.1% from the seasonal flu) and the virus is extremely contagious, which means it’s spreading really fast. With that in mind, realise that there is no health care system in the world that could care for thousands and thousands of patients at the same time. There’s simply NO infrastructure to care for all at once and this is where it gets quite complicated and potentially fatal.

You might have heard or read the term “Flatten the Curve” on social media many times these past few days. The “curve” refers to the projected number of people who will contract COVID-19 over a period of time and here’s what one looks like:

“The faster the infection curve rises, the quicker the local health care system gets overloaded beyond its capacity to treat people. As we’re seeing in Italy, more and more new patients may be forced to go without ICU beds, and more and more hospitals may run out of the basic supplies they need to respond to the outbreak.

A flatter curve, on the other hand, assumes the same number of people ultimately get infected, but over a longer period of time. A slower infection rate means a less stressed health care system, fewer hospital visits on any given day and fewer sick people being turned away.”* via livesience.com 

What this means is that we need to SLOW DOWN the rate of infection, because the rate at which a population becomes infected makes all the difference in whether there are enough hospital beds (and doctors, nurses, and resources) to treat the sick.

Since there hasn’t been a vaccine or a cure developed to treat the COVID-19 yet, the BEST and most effective way to Flatten this Curve is with self-isolating and social-distancing, which means staying HOME. If you simply can’t because your work doesn’t allow it, make sure you take all the necessary hygiene measures and try to keep social distancing as much as possible to prevent you from getting and passing on the virus.

It pains me to see that there are still so many people that are not taking this situation seriously. Whenever you think “you’re in the age where the virus won’t affect you”, please think of all of those who you could infect and who could possibly lose their lives. It’s the responsibility of ALL OF US. I have heard people say; I’m only one person, it won’t make a difference. ONE person started this pandemic. ONE.

This post is not to cause panic, it’s to create awareness that staying home give us the best chance to flatten the curve and contain the virus from spreading so fast.

I am not a doctor, I am not a scientist, I am not an epidemiologist but I have a platform that I want to use to create awareness. If I can help in changing the mind of 5 people and those 5 people convince their friends and family and so forth, then WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

Let’s be socially responsible and try to flatten the curve to keep this virus from spreading so fast. Don’t panic, but also be conscious and protect the most vulnerable.





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from Stylescrapbook https://ift.tt/2UjSdPA

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

#StyleHasNoSize: Stripe Dress

#StyleHasNoSize: Striped Dress via Girl With Curves

Something I’ve always believed in wholeheartedly is that style has no size–I believe any woman can look and feel amazing in what she’s wearing, regardless of size.

I originally started this style series back in 2012 as Runway to Realway, and recently started sharing it on instagram using #StyleHasNoSize. Today I’m excited to start bringing these posts to the blog! First up, Taylor Swift and I wearing the same stripe Kate Spade dress, circa 2013.

from Girl With Curves https://ift.tt/39Zt4R7


Lakme Fashion Week is a showcase of India’s best designer talent that comes together to create legendary runway moments each season. Every collection is the best presentation of the season’s trends. This season had many great fashion moments and some to be particular stunned us!  The highlight of the Summer/Resort collection at Lakme Fashion Week […]

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from Hautelist https://ift.tt/3b6yOIZ

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Top – Boohoo
Pants – Pretty Little Thing (available in black) / similar here
Boots – Dr Martens x Dolls Kill
When in doubt on basic week days, I always just throw on a pair of cargo pants with some boots. It’s just one of the most comfortable outfits out there, no wonder why they wore these pants in the military. Better than throwing on a pair of basic jeans. To be honest I’m not that into tight trousers in general. You might think I was doing cosplay lmao, but I swear I came up with this look so quick and then realized I was going out in the hunt of some villains. It’s not my fault that earthy tones look so well together. Always combine khaki and beige, it never fails.
I also got these pants in black and I think they have my favorite fit ever, loose but high rise enough to wear with a belt on the waist. They accentuate the silhouette but remain baggy, which is essentially what I always look for in a pair of comfy pants. Anyways, I linked some of my favorite cargo/ combat inspired pieces, which happen to be the most comfortable ever.

The post CARGO. appeared first on Le Happy.

from Le Happy https://ift.tt/2vdvpIV

Must-Try Trend: Romantic Tops

Must-Try Trend: Romantic Tops via Girl With Curves #floraltop #curvyfashion #plussizefashion #springtrends #2020

If you’re into pretty, feminine details – think chiffons, florals and voluminous details, the romantic blouse trend is for you!

As a girl who loves all things soft and feminine with a touch of whimsical, this trend is certainly for me. I’ve already started browsing spring collections and have even added a couple pieces to my closet.

Here are a few of my favorites:

from Girl With Curves https://ift.tt/38Dy6Bb

Monday, March 9, 2020


The government of India has recently announced, ‘Dekho Apna Desh’ campaign, which aims to reward travelers visiting 15 domestic tourist spots in a year.  Getting rewarded for travelling, and promoting tourism in India at the same time, sounds brilliant doesn’t it? We love this initiative started by the tourism ministry, all you need to do […]

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from Hautelist https://ift.tt/3cKHfen

Thursday, March 5, 2020


When in doubt I always throw on black and some simple washed jeans.  This look is no exception, just the silhouette is a bit different than the usual black tee and baggy jeans. I wanted to recreate some 90s outfits I’ve been seeing in TV shows so I went and cropped a vintage turtleneck to pair with this blazer I recently purchased off etsy!

Everything is vintage! Jeans are Re/Done but from a few years ago and sandals are Windsor Smith.

The post NYC BASICS. appeared first on Le Happy.

from Le Happy https://ift.tt/39q3m7W

A Super Stylish Way to Wear a Cardigan

A Super Stylish Way to Wear a Cardigan via Girl With Curves #curvyfashion #plussizefashion #bodypositive #beltedcardigan

from Girl With Curves https://ift.tt/2TBmzNk

Skincare Routine after Hair Removal

Who doesn’t like a fully waxed body? But the removal of unwanted hair comes with its own pros and cons. Frequent sessions to the beauty parlor seem annoying and above all, the pain is undeniable. Here we narrow down a few of the tips and tricks to soothe your skin after shaving or waxing off your hair. […]

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from Hautelist https://ift.tt/2IlPRdE

Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Leather blazer – Vintage off etsy / similar here and here

Leather pants – Graves Peru / similar here and here

Boots – Dr Martens

Tee- vintage  / similar here

Beanie- Dolls Kill

Been obsessed with leather since I actually started this blog but I think my obsession got a bit more intense this year! Love a good leather combo by matching separates including my pebble docs and a black knit beanie!

The post LEATHER COMBO appeared first on Le Happy.

from Le Happy https://ift.tt/2VQTArL

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

How to Pair your Lip Colors with Your Outfits

5 Lip Colors for the Perfect Pop of Color via Girl With Curves #lipstick #lipcolor #springmakeup #mac #mirangeamplified #neonorange

As some of you may have noticed, I’m sans makeup most days, but I do like a pop of color on my lips. For me, it’s the easiest way to look put together with little effort, even when I’m not wearing a full face of makeup!

One thing I enjoy doing when I get dressed, is pairing the perfect lip color with each outfit. Sometimes it’s a color that matches the clothes (like a red dress paired with red lips), and sometimes I want my lip color to stand out on its own.

Here are 5 of my most frequently worn lip colors, and examples of the outfits I pair them with:




from Girl With Curves https://ift.tt/2TyDuzZ

Monday, March 2, 2020


Blazer- Revolve

Jeans – Missy Empire

Sandals – Sam Edelman

Turning casual ripped jeans a bit more elegant with a structured blazer and some sandals! Or basically toning down some dressy pieces with acid wash. I also wore sandals on top of the jeans to make them more fitted on the ankles and I kinda like the result! What do you guys think?

The post CROPPED BLAZER. appeared first on Le Happy.

from Le Happy https://ift.tt/2VPv76b