Monday, August 12, 2019


This year marks the 13th anniversary of StyleScrapbook which is mind-blowing in itself, but this Summer specifically, an incredible project I have been working on for ages has been born. A little over tree years ago, an idea stroke my brain like a lightning bolt and it didn’t let me be in peace wanting to get materialised. For over a decade, the amount of questions I get from you, friends and family has been constantly increasing; Andy; Should I Wear This? or Andy; Should I Buy This?

Exactly two years ago, my business partner and I finally sat down and discussed it;
Wouldn’t it be great to create a community to help people decide on what to wear or buy, IN REAL TIME? Wouldn’t it be amazing to create a community where the focus is Fashion and where you don’t have to worry about how many followers you have or how many likes you get, because the most important thing is the actual feedback on whether you should wear/buy something or not?
Wouldn’t it be amazing to help other people make that decision too and best of all, be able to discover amazing items you might have missed before thanks to the community?

And just like that SIWI is born!!!🚀 You have no idea how proud I am to announce this after two years of HARD work. From the moment this idea was born over three years ago, there has been an endless amount of brainstorm/design/strategy meetings, a lot of sweat & tears, happiness, anxiety, trips and collaborations that I had to miss to prioritise this, but above all, HOPE and excitement to bring out a change! We wanted to create something that gives an added value, something that answers the question that you have all been asking me for the past 13 years; Andy, Should I Wear It?

SIWI is a new, fresh and incredibly fun platform that gives you real time feedback on whether you should wear/buy something or not. We are a SAFE and POSITIVE space, where no bullies are allowed and where the feedback the community gives you is for your eyes only. Where you don’t have to worry about how many followers you have or if your engagement is high or low. On SIWI we’re all equal and we’re free to show ourselves the way we please -no filters needed-. Come and discover your new space HERE and GET SWIPING! ( Android version coming SOON!)


The post SHOULD I WEAR IT? appeared first on Stylescrapbook.

from Stylescrapbook

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