Thursday, January 2, 2020


Productivity is something I struggle with a bit, I am not gonna lie. We live in a society where information travels fast, we want everything on real time and the attention spam lasts micro seconds (well not quite but you get what I mean). The constant distractions from the digital world don’t make it any easier. We all know this struggle too well; Reaching out for your phone to check instagram, refreshing your feed 5 minutes later and scrolling for another 20/30/40 minutes. What about loosing concentration from a task because your phone screen keeps getting lit up with notifications or just loosing yourself on the web until you realised that somehow, what started as watching a 2 minute video on how to breathe while meditating, turned into 2 hours of mindlessly browsing YouTube. Not only did you learn how to breath during meditation, but you also watched 4 make-up tutorials on “how to contour like a Kardashian”, the life story of some a YouTuber you’ve never heard of (just because of the sneaky click bait title of her video) and somehow ended watching 3 different Ted Talks about self growth and “how to become more productive”.

Becoming more productive is HIGH on my list of priorities this year (and in life) and because there’s no better time than the present, I am starting TODAY!

Just for full disclosure, this post is NOT sponsored, actually I wish it was because my order probably would have gotten to me a lot before it actually did. Maybe it got stuck at customs or maybe the post messed up, god knows but it took a while.

Anyway, let’s get to the point now. A few weeks ago -before the Christmas period-, I was desperately trying to find a fix to my productivity issue. I did some research, I watched some Ted Talks, I read some blogs but in the end, I wasn’t feeling like I was ready to take on the challenge until this crossed my path.

While browsing “how to increase productivity”, I came across with a website that sells a product that I had been eyeing for a while and that ironically thought of making it a Christmas present to myself, “The Five Minute Journal”, but more on that on a different post. While browsing the website, I realised they also had something called “Productivity Planner“, which is a journal that helps you keep track of your tasks, but beyond that, it teaches you a few techniques to actually Get Shit Done.

I got mine just before New Years Eve and since I was still in that New Years Eve vortex yesterday, I began today. Becoming more productive is an INSIDE job, you need to stick to it and create a habit out of it, which hopefully this will help me with.

I just wanted to share this with you because I haven’t been so excited about discipline and productivity in…well, never before until now hahaha. This is how the overview looks like but its not as straight forward as it looks. At the beginning of the book, they share some tips and tricks on how to fill these tasks every day and how to make sure you stick to them. You need to see it for yourself, believe me.

If you are like me and also struggle with this, I really recommend you to look into this, maybe it will help, maybe it won’t but hey, at least WE ARE TRYING! :)

You can get your Productivity Planner HERE!

The post THE TRICK I AM USING TO BECOME MORE PRODUCTIVE ON 2020 appeared first on Stylescrapbook.

from Stylescrapbook

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